Rotary Club of Dhanbad Midtown - Rotary India

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Total Services 21
Weekly Meeting

Todays Meeting Agenda: 1. Review of on going projects 2. Promo. . .

BOD Meeting

Todays Meeting Agenda: 1. Review of on going projects 2. Final. . .

Republic Day Celebration

Republic Day Celebration was done by RC Dhanbad Midtown by unfurlin. . .

Weekly Meeting

Todays Meeting Agenda: 1. Review of on going projects 2. Final. . .

BOD Meeting

Todays Meeting Agenda: 1. Review of on going projects 2. Final. . .

Charter Month Celebration cum family picnic

We are excited to invite you to the celebration of our Charter Mont. . .

BOD Meeting

BOD Meeting Agenda: 1. Review of on going projects 2. Discussi. . .

Weekly Meeting

Dear Fellow Rotarians All members are requested to attend Weekly . . .

BOD Meeting

Agendas: 1. Review of on going projects 2. Discussion on Upco. . .

Fellowship Meeting

Get ready for another fun filled family get together on 28th Septem. . .

BOD Meeting

All members are requested to attend BOD meeting today at Namdhari H. . .

Weekly Meeting

All members are requested to attend Weekly meeting today at Namdhar. . .

Weekly Meeting

Weekly Meeting to discuss the following: 1. Clubs Signature Projec. . .

District Membership Seminar Participation

PP Rtn. Pranav Kumar represented our club at District Membership Se. . .

BOD Meeting

BOD meeting was held on 21st August24 to discuss the following agen. . .

Independence Day Celebration

INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION 15th August24 at Rotary Hall, Namd. . .

District Seminar GMSS

President Rtn. Ratanjit Singh Dang, Secretary Rtn. Dr Amir Parwez a. . .

BOD Meeting

BOD meeting was held on 17th July24 to discuss the following agenda. . .

10th Changeover Ceremony

The 10th Changeover Ceremony of RC Dhanbad Midtown was held on 14th. . .

Preparatory meeting for Changeover ceremony

Preparatory meeting for Changeover ceremony was held on 11th July24. . .